
real medical weight loss

At Papillon Wellness & Longevity.

Dial it in to your personal goals.

Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Wegovy have taken the country by storm. These GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide) agonists work by adjusting the balance of insulin and glucagon, improving glucose utilization and insulin-resistance, and therefore reversing diabetes and preventing future severe chronic illness. It also alters satiety and impulse signaling, as well as slowing gut motility; all of these properties effect weight loss that can be comparable to bariatric surgery! With 1 tiny subcutaneous injection weekly, nothing has had the impact on health quite like this class of peptides.

We at Papillon Wellness & Longevity would be happy to assist clients with their weight loss goals, but not at the expense of safety or sound judgement. From exercise, nutrition, gut health, and supplements, we strive to give you all of the tools to be both successful and healthy in the long term. We are not afraid to tell you what we think you need, and also what you don’t need.

Our 12 to 16-week initial comprehensive program consists of a weekly dose, check in/weigh in, a review of nutrition, exercise, supplements, and lifestyle factors, and includes a Super B Slim Boost injection as well ($30 value). For clients whose BMI > 25, have failed previous attempt(s) at weight loss, and do not have a history of Medullary Thyroid Cancer or a family history of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia II (though cancer of any endocrine type has never been linked to this class of drugs). Book a consultation with us today, and if you decide to proceed, receive 1 week of therapy free! (*restrictions apply)
